Success Leaves Clues

Are you familiar with the phrase "Success leaves clues"?

The phrase is often attributed to Jim Rohn, a motivational speaker and self-help author who was widely recognized for his personal development philosophy. He used this phrase in his teachings to emphasize the importance of learning from successful people by observing their habits, behaviors, and mindset.

And while Jim Rohn is often credited with popularizing the phrase, the idea behind it is not a new one. This concept has been around for centuries and is rooted in various fields such as psychology, philosophy, and business.

And now, researchers in various fields are finding the same holds true not just for the concept of "Success" in the traditional way, but also for success in ANY area of life. And this includes success in attaining real happiness, as well.

As it turns out, the happiest and most successful people tend to leave a trail of mindsets, behaviors and strategies that can be learned and adopted by others. The concept suggests that by identifying the patterns and behaviors of these individuals, one can integrate these characteristics into their own life and increase their chances of also achieving success and attaining happiness.

But how do we do it? 

We can do it through what is called "Modeling".

Modeling is the process of studying and replicating the patterns of behavior, thought, and communication used by particular individuals to achieve their goals. By modeling these patterns, one can learn to adopt the same mindset and strategies that have led others to success and happiness.

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a branch of psychology that focuses on the relationship between language, behavior, and thought patterns, and it has been particularly influential in the research and development of the concept and application of modeling.

By studying the language and behavior patterns of successful individuals, NLP researchers have identified the strategies and techniques that lead to both happiness and success, and have contributed significantly to helping us understand how to integrate these into our own lives.

The traits that people who are happy and successful tend to share have also been studied extensively in the fields of positive psychology and personal development. 

So what ARE the traits of these happy and successful individuals?

Drawing from multiple fields, here are 7 of the most commonly identified traits:

Positive mindset

Successful and happy people tend to have a positive attitude and believe in themselves and their ability to achieve their goals. 


Successful individuals are persistent and don't give up easily. They are willing to work hard and overcome obstacles to achieve their goals. And doing so tends to lead to greater levels of happiness as well.


The happiest and most successful people have developed the ability to bounce back from setbacks and failures. They see failure as a learning opportunity and use it to grow and improve.


Successful individuals take proactive steps to achieve their goals. They don't wait for opportunities to come to them; they go out and create their own opportunities. Doing so also creates an intrinsic sense of satisfaction that leads to greater happiness.


Happy and successful individuals are able to maintain focus on their goals, and avoid distractions.


The happiest and most successful people live with passion. They are passionate about what they do. They find joy and fulfillment in their work, which gives them the drive to succeed and of course, leads to effortless happiness as they do so.

Emotional intelligence

Happy and successful individuals have strong emotional intelligence skills. They are able to understand and manage their own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.

By identifying and modeling the behaviors and strategies of the happiest and most successful individuals, we can integrate these traits into our own lives and increase the likelihood that we too will attain similar success and happiness. Success leaves clues, and by studying and replicating these clues, we can achieve our own goals and find happiness and fulfillment in our lives.